Name: daryl knott Location: flint mi Submitted: Sun, 12:11:41 GMT Comments: What a stroong` soilder And a wonderful Man.Who always win his battle Hi`to bettie bubba angelo anette patty from Daryl knott.

Name: daryl knott Location: flint mi Submitted: Sun, 12:11:45 GMT Comments: What a stroong` soilder And a wonderful Man.Who always win his battle Hi`to bettie bubba angelo anette patty from Daryl knott. Name: george day Location: west hampstead london Submitted: Sun, 14:11:48 GMT Comments: still think about the good times we had in spain and our meetings for the chinese meals in town. Name: james moss Location: sheffield Submitted: Mon, 00:37:50 GMT Comments: Been into northern soul now for 34 years now since i was 13 and just want to say thank you for enriching the life of an ordinary guy with your music.My personal favourite song of yours was always s.o.s but just discovered i have faith in you and cant stop playing it. Name: adder Location: carlisle england Submitted: Mon, 19:18:26 GMT Comments: great singer a proper gentleman seen him perform at the gretna soul club in carlisle in 1970 my girlfriend hazel (rip) got his autograph for me on his promotions flyer still treasure it to this day will always love the soul music Yesterday would have been your birthday just wanted to say happy birthday to let you know thinking of you. Name: mary Location: shrewsbury Submitted: Sat, 10:42:19 GMT Comments: Could not get on to this site yesterday tried loads of times. Your never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers Happy Birthday Edwin Love n Miss you more today than yesterday but not half as much as tomorrow. Name: Fay L Jones Location: GB Submitted: Sun, 00:28:14 GMT Comments: I Wish I could send a card to heaven to show that I still care. Name: clyde Location: third rock from the sun Submitted: Fri, 00:58:57 GMT Comments: thank you EDWIN. Name: sarah hemmings was darby Location: stoke on trent Submitted: Sat, 02:03:24 GMT Comments: still can't believe it's 8 yrs hun we still miss u lds i miss hearing u sing & the hugs when i got chance see u u alway's made time 4 my family hun keep the faith up there & i promice 2 keep it here going play your cd later & dance like never before rip edwin luv u lds xxx Name: mary Location: shrewsbury Submitted: Sat, 08:56:28 GMT Comments: remembering you with great affection you left a void nobody can ever fill such great times. Name: mark collins Location: isle of mann Submitted: Sat, 11:18:28 GMT Comments: what a nice man lots of good times he was all ways a happy man just like his sounds sad he is goon but still in my heart Name: Barry & Ginny Location: Tamworth Submitted: Sat, 16:37:22 GMT Comments: Never far from our thoughts. Name: Fay L Jones Location: Oldham Submitted: Sat, 22:57:21 GMT Comments: Edwin your always in my thoughts miss you so very very much cant believe how time fly's by so quickly seems like only yesterday you where here laughing and joking with us. make em have it up there in soul heaven.goodnight and godbless you. Submitted: Tue, 11:49:14 GMT Comments: well it 9 long years without our dear friend edwin we miss you so much everyday. Name: frank and diane byrne Location: manchester. Name: martin Location: wales Submitted: Tue, 09:03:30 GMT Comments: we still think of you as our number one starr luv always fletch lyn russ and liz xxxx Name: JJ Location: Submitted: Mon, 17:33:41 GMT Comments: I looked after you when you played Walsall 5th Night club back in the day you were brilliant and a true gentleman.

Unfortunately nothing happened with it so far but there is still hope :-) I hope you are all well xx rikki-rok/rikkirok-feat-chiara-h-a-p-p-y Name: Rikki Rok Location: United Kingdom Submitted: Mon, 19:50:37 GMT Comments: Hey I just wanted to let you hear the remix I did of H.A.P.P.Y Radio a few years ago. Please take time to listen to the Team's album - 'Keeping The Faith', click cover to listen or purchase.Ĭurrent Guestbook, from Sept 2011 to the present. The Official Edwin Starr website Edwin Starr 1942-2003 RIP